Capturing a moment in time isn’t just about securing a special memory—it can also help you appreciate your life more every day. Consider these (5) benefits of taking photos:

  1. Snapping photos can bolster your creativity. There is so much AMAZING inspiration in the beauty all around us.
  2. Taking pics can help you remember. Photos are an easy way to record little moments that are precious but easily forgotten, especially as we age.
  3. Photography documents your personal life journey and will inform your legacy with family & friends.
  4. Taking photos can reduce stress. How can you stay mad while taking a photo of a beautiful landscape. You can’t!
  5. Photograpy can communicate on your behalf when you cannot find the words. Pictures allow us to share what we find beautiful and interesting without saying anything.

Celebrate today by hosting a photoshoot with friends or family, or simply by capturing an image of something beautifu!