Most of us are beyond ready for springtime this year. With COVID, winter weather felt abnormally difficult. As we welcome spring, we also say hello to seasonal allergies. Watery eyes, stuffy nose, scratchy throat. . .for many of us, that’s commonplace. Here are a few simple tips to avoid symptom-triggering allergens this spring:

  • Know your pollen count – most cities publish daily pollen counts. If the count is high (120+), stay indoors if possible.
  • Close your windows – spring breezes can bring pollen spores into your home, making symptoms worse.
  • Shower often – take a shower after spending time outdoors to wash away pollen from your hair & skin.
  • Utilize an air purifier – air purifiers with HEPA filters remove common allergens from the air with ease.

Now that you know how to handle seasonal allergies, take a deep breath & enjoy!