It’s time to spring into SPRING! Develop these 8 healthy habits, feel great and prevent diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

  1. Move More, Sit Less – get at least 20 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each day.
  2. Eat Healthy – introduce more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats & low-fat dairy into your diet.
  3. Think About the Drink – replace sugary or alcoholic drinks with water to reduce calories and stay hydrated.
  4. Rest is Best – get at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night.
  5. Stay Sun Safe – wear protective clothing, rock sunglasses and use sunscreen with at least SPF 15.
  6. Take Teeth Time – brush at least 2x per day and floss regularly.
  7. Quit Smoking – get support and say goodbye to cigarettes. Call 1-800-Quit-Now for free support!
  8. Know Health History – talk openly to your doctor about your family’s health history.

It’s time to spring into action and take back your health! You can do it, Provisions Health can help.