Camping is a great way to gather family and friends together to enjoy the wonder of the outdoors. Embracing the beauty of nature can be fun – if you follow these safety tips.

  1. be up-to-date on vaccinations – stay healthy from the inside out
  2. know your surroundings – follow the trail, grab the map
  3. prepare healthy & safe foods – adventure takes nourishment
  4. avoid wild animals (even the cute ones!) – keep a mindful distance
  5. be sun smart – wear sunscreen, seek shade
  6. respect the water – never swim alone, life jackets are a must!
  7. know the plants – leaves of three, let it be!
  8. be mindful of the bugs – wear repellent & check frequently
  9. don’t play with fire – build it well, put it out
  10. clear the air – avoid fuel-burning items in enclosed spaces

Adventure awaits! Enjoy.