Today is National Bake Cookies Day! Amidst the holiday bustle, it comes at the perfect time. People of all ages celebrate today by dusting off their favorite recipes to make cookies with family and friends. If you don’t have a favorite recipe, get adventurous and try something new!

Here are a few creative ideas that will help you make baking cookies a beloved family tradition:

  1. Get crafty and build a holiday recipe book together
  2. Host a cookie decorating contest. The winner gets all the sprinkles!
  3. Bake a few extra, wrap them up and give them to your neighbors
  4. Host a festive holiday cookie exchange
  5. Have a holiday bake sale and donate the proceeds to a favorite charity

You would think that tomorrow would be “National Eat Cookies Day”. Sadly, it’s not. There is no national holiday to eat these yummy treats, so you can (& should) eat them EVERY day!