Autumn is officially here! The air is perfectly crisp, the leaves are turning and everyone is settling into the new routines of school. With disruption comes an increase in stress which can make us more susceptible to cold & flu season. There is no time like the present to take steps to keep you and your family healthy. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Get outside and enjoy the milder weather. Take a hike, ride a bike or lace up those running shoes!
  2. Schedule your annual checkups. If your kids are in fall sports, you need to see the doctor anyway for a sports physical. Why not make it a family affair?
  3. Make healthy food choices at home, work and school. Limit sugar and saturated fats. Enjoy all the fall food fare! Pumpkins, squash and apples. . .oh my!
  4. Be prepared for COVID, cold & flu season. Do your research and talk to your doctor about vaccinations.
  5. Focus on your mental health. As the days grow shorter, it’s easy to feel the effects of less sunshine. Build a support network, find a meaningful hobby and embrace a positive mindset.

Fall into all the splendors of the changing season while staying healthy. You can take meaningful steps now to keep your entire healthy all season long.